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Chamber business

All meetings in the Debating Chamber are open to the public.

About Chamber business

Chamber business usually takes place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the afternoon, when parliament is sitting. It includes debates, questions or statements.

Find out which topic is being debated on the day of your visit

You can request a ticket for any time slot, just choose whichever time suits you best.

You can come and go at any time during the time slot. You can request a maximum of 5 tickets up to 1 week in advance.

Booking ahead is not essential for debates in the Chamber – you can just arrive on the day, and get one from our front desk. The only exception to that is FMQs.

More information

Plan your visit

For opening times, parking information and more, go to our plan your visit page.

Don't forget to stop at our shop and café during your visit!


  • Hearing loops are installed in the Debating Chamber. This connects to hearing aids which have a 'T-Switch'
  • If you need a British Sign Language interpreter or other support, please contact us with as much notice as possible
  • Wheelchairs are available and the public gallery of the Debating Chamber has wheelchair spaces

More about accessibility

Visitor behaviour policy

Please remember that this is a working parliamentary building and, as such, you are expected to behave as set out in this policy. We reserve the right to remove visitors who breach this policy and apply a period of exclusion from our public galleries and parliamentary business.

For all visits, please:

  • follow all instructions from parliament staff, including any requests to bring ID with you
  • do not leave your bags and personal belongings unattended
  • do not smoke in the building
  • do not eat or drink, except in the restaurants
  • if given one, wear your visitor lanyard and pass at all times. Return it when asked or when leaving
  • collect any items retained by security as you leave
  • note that protests are not allowed inside the building. Banners, flags and political slogans are forbidden

The Parliament’s Standing Orders cover public access to parliamentary business. They allow the Presiding Officer to set reasonable conditions, and exclusions if these are not met.

For visits to see parliamentary business, please:

  • enter, sit in and leave the galleries quietly and as requested by parliamentary staff
  • switch all electronic devices off, and secure them as instructed by parliamentary staff
  • do not cause a distraction or disruption to parliamentary business. If there is a disruption in the Chamber, the Presiding Officer can ask visitors to leave
  • note that people who wilfully disrupt may face a period of exclusion from future visits
  • do not applaud or shout out during meetings
  • do not take photos, videos or recordings during meetings
  • obtain prior permission to paint, sketch or draw
  • follow the instructions of parliamentary staff on when and where to sit and to leave. For First Minister’s Questions, this includes remaining seated for the entire session. If you need to leave before the session ends, please speak to the nearest member of Parliament staff


Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Days and times

Tuesday and Wednesday:

  • 2pm to 4pm
  • 4pm to 6pm


  • 12.45pm to 1.30pm
  • 2pm to 4pm
  • 4pm to 6pm



Other parliamentary business


(Find out more)

You can also book tickets to join us for FMQs on a Thursday.

Tuesday to Thursday

(Find out more)

The public can also view committee meetings taking place in the Scottish Parliament.