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Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

Financial interests of MSPs

The "Register of Interests" provides details about MSPs' financial interests and benefits. Anything that could be perceived as influencing an MSP's votes, words or actions should be included, such as:

  • payment for work done outside of MSP duties
  • property and land ownership
  • gifts
  • overseas visits (related to work)

All MSPs are legally required to provide these details. The Register of Interests is publicly available and updated every time there is a change. MSPs must register any changes within 30 days. You can see each MSP's register of interests on their page.

Find an MSP

More information about the register of interests is in the Code of Conduct.

Previous registers

View an MSP's register

You can view the registers for each MSP on their own pages.

Find an MSP

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