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Language: English / Gàidhlig
Is e Bile Achd na Pàrlamaid a thathar a’ moladh. Thèid Bile a tha ga thoirt a-steach do Phàrlamaid na h-Alba a sgrùdachadh agus a dheasbad le BPA.
Go to Bilean is Laghan
Bidh Buill Pàrlamaid na h-Alba (BPA) ag sgrùdadh agus bhòtadh air molaidhean airson laghan (Bilean). Tha iad gad riochdachadh ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba agus san sgìre agad fhèin. Agus bidh iad a’ sgrùdadh obair Riaghaltas na h-Alba.
Go to BPA
Fiosrachadh mu chomataidhean agus clàran de gach deasbad, ceist agus freagairt.
Go to Seòmar agus comataidhean
Is urrainn dhut pàirt a ghabhail ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba le bhith nad bhall de bhuidheann thar-phàrtaidh, le bhith a’ cur athchuinge a-steach, a bhith a’ coiteachadh no a bhith a’ coimhead air na goireasan foghlaim againn.
Go to Gabh pàirt
Tadhail air Pàrlamaid na h-Alba
Go to Tadhail
Nì Pàrlamaid na h-Alba sgrùdadh air Riaghaltas na h-Alba, nì e laghan ùra air cùisean tiomnaichte agus nì i deasbad air cùisean an latha.
Go to Mur deidhinn
Information on the different rules and guidance the Parliament must follow.
The Standing Orders are the rules of procedure for the Parliament
The Code of Conduct has principles and standards for MSPs
Motions are used by MSPs to start a debate or propose a course of action. They are also used highlight local issues and achievements.
Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
This guidance explains how rules about Public Bills work in practice
The Guidance describes the procedures and requirements for the progress of a Private Bill through the Parliament
The Guidance describes the procedures and requirements for the progress of a Hybrid Bill through the Parliament
This Guidance explains how Scottish Parliament committees operate in practice
Find information about the purpose of the proxy voting scheme and the arrangements for Members to designate a proxy
Find out when the Office of the Clerk is open, and why this is important to parliamentary business.
The protocol sets out the working relationships between Scottish Parliament committees and the Scottish Government
Read the protocol on scrutiny by the Parliament of consent by Scottish Ministers to UK secondary legislation in devolved areas arising from leaving the European Union.