Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee
11th Meeting, 2022
The Committee agreed to take items 4 and 5 in private.
The Committee considered the following negative instrument— Registration Services (Fees, etc.) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2022
The Committee agreed to make no recommendations in relation to the instrument.
The Committee took evidence from—
Dr Lesley-Anne Barnes Macfarlane, Senior Lecturer in Scots Private Law, University of Glasgow;
Sarah Axford, Service Manager, Children 1st;
and then from—
Alistair Hogg, Head of Practice and Policy, Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA);
May Dunsmuir, Chamber President - Health and Education Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland, First-tier Tribunal for Scotland;
Jordan Croan, Advocacy and Participation Manager, Who Cares? Scotland.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard under agenda item 3.
The Committee agreed its response to correspondence from the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee.