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Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Petitioner submission of 3 September 2021

PE1865/TTT: Suspend all surgical mesh and fixation devices

Following on from the Cabinet Secretary’s submission, I still have a lot of questions, which need answers:

  • Will the government create a clear and effective pathway for hernia, rectopexy and all other mesh patients to get support and after care?
  • Will the government accept and agree that mesh is causing complications and suspend all mesh and fixation devices use until they get further testing and evidence? Until clearer guidelines are agreed making sure us patients are part of the talks around this.
  • Will the government make sure surgeons are still being trained in native tissue repair, giving patients an actual choice in their treatment?
  • Will the government speak to all Services ensuring that they stop using mesh for bladder prolapse, as this is still being offered currently on the NHS in Scotland even though there is a ban with Mr Humza Yousaf saying he doesn't intend to bring it back for use in Scotland.  Does he know the surgeons in Scotland are still using this? Will they make sure that surgeons/medical professionals who not following the guidance, are reprimanded in some way for going against the government?  Surely its criminal for this to be offered anywhere in Scotland.
  • Will the government review how the woman with TVT/pelvic mesh are reviewed for referrals to surgeons outwith the NHS. At present, they have to go through the mesh centre in Glasgow which is ran by the very surgeons who 1) maimed them and 2) dismissed them when they reported their issues.  So, it is again down to these surgeons whether patients get help and support, and whether they can be referred to surgeons outwith the NHS.  It feels like it is another obstacle in their way.  How can we trust these doctors/surgeons will make the right decision for these women?  We don't trust them, and trust is a big factor.
  • Will the government actually do a full review of patients’ files and collect the data they have of them about the use of mesh?  Use us, the patients already affected, to collect this evidence to move forward. 
  • Will the government make sure the NHS is educated on mesh and devices?
  • Will the government listen to our voices and take us seriously?  Will they now believe and include all other types of mesh, including hernia mesh and rectopexy mesh, and not keep shutting us out and saying tvt and pelvic mesh only.  We are all mesh affected and suffer the same complications. It is just that the device is placed in different areas.
  • Regarding the pathways for the woman currently with tvt and pelvic mesh. The woman who have their mesh removed here in Scotland and are having complications have nowhere to turn. They have had operations in spring this year but won’t have a review until next year to see how surgery went. That's not acceptable. Will the Scottish Government make sure these woman have 1) after care and 2) a review at least 3 months after surgery?
  • The women waiting to be seen by the Glasgow mesh centre are having their appointments constantly cancelled. Some the day of or the day before. Some having appointments cancelled 5 times. Seems they are doing this to keep the data with the waiting times but this isn't working for the patients waiting to be seen. They need to get these women seen within the government's current timelines. Will the government ensure this happens also?

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