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Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Anonymous submission of 25 June 2021

PE1865/N - Suspend all surgical mesh and fixation devices

My Mesh Story in brief

I was informed I had abnormal cells, that my womb had collapsed and I was required to have a full hysterectomy and placed on a waiting list.

Then out of nowhere I was contacted by phone from my then surgeon saying they had decided to bring my surgery forward . He informed me he had discussed my case with another surgeon who could do the surgery via my vagina, that this would give me the best quality of life and outcome, to pack my bag and make my way to the hospital.

I met my new surgeon briefly the night before the operation. He told me it was pioneering surgery, I was in safe hands and asked me to sign a consent form for surgery to take place the next morning.

When I saw him on the ward after the approximately 9 hour operation he informed me the surgery had gone well but I had lost a lot of blood. (7 pints).

I believed him!

The following days were the most degrading days of my life, not only had I lost my womb but my dignity and femininity. But still I had no idea of what was to come!

No one had explained any of the following to me.

That my vagina would be packed. This was so tightly done even the nurse was shocked at how much she removed from inside me nor did I know that I would have instruments placed inside me by a nurse to check what was left of my vagina.

My outer stitches were left in too long and became imbedded into my skin. The nurse struggled to remove them. The pain was excruciating that eventually I screamed asking for her to stop. I could see the tears in her eyes as she apologised assuring me it was almost over. What she didn’t say was that it was almost over because she had cut me all the way to my back passage to get them out. This I only realised weeks later after the swelling went down. I required a repair to this at a later date.

When the time came for my post check-up I was seen by my surgeons understudy who advised me I had had “Rods implanted” that they would act like a graft to support my insides and my doomed vagina. That I would require further surgery at a later stage and my ability to lift was now restricted.

At no point was any of this discussed with me prior to surgery or that the said “Rods” were actually mesh!

I spent years in pain and still do, constantly taking uti’s and other infections, suffering tremors and developing a cancerous tumour which is caused by chemical exposure.

Being made to feel like it’s all in my head.

Eventually I was referred back to the gynaecologist who examined me and told me I had mesh erosion and a further prolapse. This was the cause of my pain and infections. He sent me for a scan to check my ovaries despite me telling him I didn’t have any.

Since then I have not been seen as my follow up appointments were continually cancelled due to COVID.

I have been left to deteriorate, with no help.

Very few acknowledge the damage mesh has caused to myself and many others. We are buried alive and not to be heard.

I have lost my ability to work, relationships and my confidence to be the woman I once was. My femininity taken away without my consent or knowledge.

I’m yet to see all my medical records but I do know that my consent form was altered to include mesh after signing.

I lost my life as I knew it the night I signed.

I beg you not to let others suffer what myself and many others have, not to take away more lives but to look at how mesh has cruelly impacted so many and shortened our life span.

Remember the promises that were made to us and the voices of those no longer here to fight on to stop these barbaric acts that are nothing short of a death warrant for many.

Legalised manslaughter hidden behind a so-called duty of care.

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