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Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Marie Dolan submission of 7 July 2021

PE1865/EE - Suspend all surgical mesh and fixation devices

I feel very strongly about this petition and feel that no other person should have to go through the road I, and thousands of other have been and still are travelling.

I was left with stress incontinence after giving birth to 3 babies. I tolerated this until I was around 55 but eventually I was unable to put up with it any longer.

I spoke to my GP who referred be to a gynaecologist to see how I could be helped. After various tests I was advised to have mesh input which would solve my problem completely and that it was a very simple procedure and would be life changing. I had this done in March 2010. At no point was I given any information on any complications that could arise from this GOLD STANDARD PROCEDURE before the operation and no check up was given afterwards.

Moving forward 3 months after the operation and I found intimacy was impossible. I went back to my GP who referred me back to the surgeon who implanted the mesh and it was found that the mesh had eroded into my vagina. I was just "unlucky" I was told! As he had done 150 plus of these procedures with no issues! Really?

The outcome was that I had to have another operation to "trim" this erosion. At this point I was unaware that so many other women were having problems. This happened another two times, as well as constant infections, at least 6 or 7 times a year over a period of 7 years.

In December 2017 I has horrific groin pain and numbness in my left groin and down my left leg (same side as erosions). As a result, I ended up in hospital 3 times in that month as I could not tolerate the pain. Each time they never admitted it was the mesh causing the problem and I was discharged each time with liquid oramorph and no conclusion as to why I was in so much pain

I was due to go on holiday on 26th December 2017 and was told it was ok to go. I took the oramorph to get me through the flight but on my first night my daughter had to call out the Dr who told her, after being given my history, it was the mesh that was causing me to be in so much pain.

He put me on a cocktail of painkillers including 40mg of Oxydodyn which controlled the pain but I don’t remember much of the holiday.

When I got home, my GP referred me back to the hospital where I insisted I was referred to Glasgow mesh clinic. My journey then began for removal and pain management. In June 2018, I booked a private translabial scan where it was confirmed that the mesh was twisted on the left side, was too tight and although was still in situ, was frayed on the left.

After several consultations it was confirmed my mesh was causing me complications and that I could have full removal. Fast forward to August 2019 when my elective surgery was carried out.

After the operation my Surgeon told me only about a millimetre of mesh remained on my left side which was confirmed in my discharge letter.

At my 6 week check up (WHICH WAS 6 MONTHS AFTER OP) I got told that she doesn't know how much is left? I understand this surgeon no longer removed mesh.

I still have the numbness and some pain in groin and leg.

Thankfully I’m not in such a bad way as some of the other poor ladies who are still suffering badly and no indication if this barbaric device will be or even can be removed.

Please do not allow this mesh to be implanted into any other person and ban its use forever.

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