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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Moray Council submission of 14 January 2022

PE1856/P - Support the taxi trade

As per you request for more information on the scale of impact the COVID-19 pandemic on the taxi trade. Specifically, your request for data on:

a) how many taxi licences were active in your local authority before the COVID-19 pandemic; and

b) how many there are currently.

As you have not specified whether you are looking for driver licences or Operator Licences (Vehicles) we have provided figures for both licence types.

The figures for Moray Council based on a comparison of valid licences on the dates January 10th 2020 (pre-Covid) and Jan 10th 2022 are as follows:

(Operators / vehicles)

Number of TXO/PHO – Licence Valid on 10/01/2020 –  pre-covid - 120

Number of TXO/PHO – Licence Valid on 10/01 2022 – now – 155


Number of TXD/PHD – Licence Valid on 10/01/2020 - pre-covid - 187

Number of TXD/PHD – Licence Valid on 10/01/2022 – now - 262

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