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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Fife Council submission of 22 December 2021

PE1856/K - Support the taxi trade

1818 taxi drivers licences held as at 31.12.19

1635 taxi drivers licences held as at 31.12.20

1592 taxi drivers licences held as at 22.12.21

We have a cap on our taxi operators licences, this number has not changed in the pandemic, there are 481 taxi licences in Fife

We currently have 368 private hire licences in Fife. We cannot obtain the figures for these prior to the pandemic but I don’t think there have been many licences returned to us.

Our taxi drivers licences allow them to drive private hire vehicles too. One licence covers both.

I would also advise you that we constantly hear from our operators that they cannot get drivers so they are having to turn down hires on a regular basis. 

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