It’s really important that you comply with the attendance management policy and the process for when you’re not well enough to attend work. If you have any concerns about your health, or attendance, you should speak to your manager so that they can support you. If you tell your manager about your health concerns they’ll keep this confidential and won’t share this information without your permission.
Your manager is responsible for:
supporting you to maintain good attendance
managing any absences in line with our policies and procedures
You’re responsible for:
attending work in accordance with your contract
Read the Attendance management policy
Attendance Management: Guidance for Managers
If your attendance doesn’t meet the level we expect, your manager will address any issues with you in a fair and supportive way. If a medical condition or disability may be affecting your attendance, you should talk to your manager so they are able to support you in the best way. The Improving Attendance policy is intended as an aid to good management to help you improve and maintain your level of attendance.
Wherever we can, we’ll try to resolve attendance issues informally. This might involve:
referring you to Occupational Health,
giving you informal counselling or coaching on how to improve your attendance
setting targets for improvement.
Your manager will also consider any reasonable adjustments that could be put in place to support you. If things don’t improve, your manager may move to the formal procedure which could result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. You have the right to be assisted at any formal meetings and the right to appeal.
Read the Improving attendance policy and procedures
If you’re a manager and need advice, contact the People and Culture Office on 0131 348 6500.
You can find more information on attendance at work here:
Improving Attendance: Guidance for Staff
Phased Return to Work Policy and Procedure
If you need additional support, you can talk to your Trade Union representative if you’re a member, or our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider. You can contact EAP in confidence on 0808 196 2016, or find more information on the intranet.