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Gabh pàirt

Long Covid

This Cross-party group's purpose:

The group aims to elucidate the impacts that Long-Covid has on the people living with the condition, and seeks to ensure that they have a strong voice within the Scottish Parliament. We believe those voices should be at the heart of every cross-party meeting and recognise that Long-Covid affects people of all age groups, including children. Long-Covid has significant educational, social, economic, and cultural impacts for people living with Long-Covid.

Next meeting

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The AGM of the CPG on Long Covid will be 14th January at 6pm.  Please contact Allana Hoggard for further information

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch, you can contact Allana Hoggard


Tagh raon-ama: The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Involved in the group

MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.


Jackie Baillie


Party: Scottish Labour

MSP for: Dumbarton (Constituency)

Alex Cole-Hamilton


Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats

MSP for: Edinburgh Western (Constituency)

Dr. Sandesh Gulhane


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Glasgow (Region)

Bill Kidd


Party: Scottish National Party

MSP for: Glasgow Anniesland (Constituency)

Paul O'Kane


Party: Scottish Labour

MSP for: West Scotland (Region)

Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats

MSP for: Shetland Islands (Constituency)

Non MSP Individuals

Kate McLachlane

Stuart McIver

Susan Hedgely

Samantha Tully

Sheena Alalami

Dorothy Grace Elder

Paula Lally

Jennifer Syme

Esperanza Miyake

Jane Ormerod

Jasmine Mailley

Sarah Marshall

Sheeran Smith

Shaun Qureshi

Amy Small

Freja Lundberg

Shaben Begum

Moira Newiss

Christina Moriarty

Caroline Macdonald

Morag Connell

Jackie Baxter

Emma Davies

Barbara Melville

Joanna Leszczuk

Miranda Curry

Leanne Mitchell

Helen Goss

Conor Walker

Lesley Walker

Ben Finch

Maria Timoney

Jenny O'Boyle

Ramsay Meldrum

Elizabeth Ritchie

Helen Gibson

Alison Love

Kyla Johnson

Callum O'Dwyer

Chris White

Kevin Bell

Sarah Jayne Marshall

Academic Members

David Blane

Gail Carson

Prof. Kay Cooper

Dr Tracy Ibbotson

Eddie Duncan

Nicholas Sculthorpe


Long Covid Scotland - secretary 

Long Covid Support Group: Scotland

Long Covid Kids Scotland

Long Covid Support (UK)


British Association for Music Therapy

Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS)

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child health

(RCPCH Scotland)

The Royal College of Occupational Therapists

