Submitted by:
John Swinney,
Perthshire North, Scottish National Party.
Date lodged:
Monday, 15 April 2013
Motion reference: S4M-06225
Current status:Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Motions as amended
S4M-06225 John Swinney: Universal Services—That the Parliament confirms its opposition to the further reductions that have been made to the Scottish budget as a result of the UK budget on 20 March 2013 and the damaging impact that the UK Government’s approach to public spending is having on the economy, public services and households, including the most vulnerable in society, and supports the Scottish Government’s continued commitment to both the social wage, including the universal benefits of free personal care, free prescriptions, concessionary travel, free eye tests and free tuition, and to the four pillars of public service reform, which together will help to ensure that the totality of public spending provides value for money, is sustainable and delivers the outcomes that matter most to Scotland’s people and businesses.
Supported by:
Fergus Ewing, John Finnie, Derek Mackay, Michael Matheson, Alex Neil
Result62 for, 48 against, 0 abstained, 18 did not voteVote Passed
That the Parliament confirms its opposition to the further reductions that have been made to the Scottish budget as a result of the UK budget on 20 March 2013 and the damaging impact that the UK Government’s approach to public spending is having on the economy, public services and households, including the most vulnerable in society, and supports the Scottish Government’s continued commitment to both the social wage, including the universal benefits of free personal care, free prescriptions, concessionary travel, free eye tests and free tuition, and to the four pillars of public service reform, which together will help to ensure that the totality of public spending provides value for money, is sustainable and delivers the outcomes that matter most to Scotland’s people and businesses.