Submitted by:
Ken Macintosh,
Eastwood, Scottish Labour.
Date lodged:
Monday, 15 April 2013
Motion reference: S4M-06225.3
Current status:Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 16 April 2013
As an amendment to motion S4M-06225 in the name of John Swinney (Universal Services), leave out from “and supports” to end and insert "; notes the conclusions of the Independent Budget Review Panel and the Christie Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services and several comments by John Swinney in a Scottish Government Cabinet paper, including recognising that 'there are also inherent real terms cost pressures within public sector budgets'; considers that the Scottish Government has presided over a postcode lottery in care services, a rise in care charges and cuts to local bus services, decisions that have had a severe impact on people across Scotland, and calls on the Scottish Government to engage in an honest and constructive debate about the future of public services to ensure that Scotland’s future public spending is both fair and sustainable."
Result38 for, 72 against, 0 abstained, 18 did not voteVote Defeated