That the Parliament notes that Scotland’s population growth has relied on migration into Scotland; welcomes the fact that there are currently more people choosing to move to Scotland from the rest of the UK than those moving in the opposite direction; recognises the benefits of EU freedom of movement, which was lost as a result of Brexit; agrees that a decline in the working population would damage Scotland’s public services and economy; deplores the UK Government’s hostile rhetoric towards migrants, and welcomes the proposals in the Scottish Government paper, Migration to Scotland after independence, for a humane migration system tailored to Scotland’s needs.
Supported by:
Paul McLennan, Emma Roddick, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Humza Yousaf
Result 60 for, 49 against, 0 abstained, 20 did not vote Vote Passed
Scottish National Party
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Scottish Labour
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Alba Party
No Party Affiliation
Submitted by: Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date lodged: Monday, November 13, 2023
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Result 29 for, 80 against, 0 abstained, 20 did not vote Vote Defeated
Submitted by: Paul O'Kane, West Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date lodged: Monday, November 13, 2023
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Result 17 for, 90 against, 2 abstained, 20 did not vote Vote Defeated
Submitted by: Alex Cole-Hamilton, Edinburgh Western, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date lodged: Monday, November 13, 2023
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, November 14, 2023