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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

New standards of fire alarms in all homes in Scotland by February 2022 - 19 August 2021

Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government to Convener - 19 August 2021

Dear Convener,

Re: New standards of fire alarms in all homes in Scotland by February 2022.

As you will be aware, in February 2022, forthcoming changes to the legislation requiring new standards of fire alarms in all homes in Scotland will come into effect. The former Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning gave a commitment that he would keep parliament updated on the actions the Scottish Government was taking to ensure people are aware of the new standard.

Improving fire safety remains a Scottish Government priority and I know this will be of interest to members, which is why I wanted to update you on our plans for the awareness raising campaign and targeted support for some home owners who might find it most difficult to comply.
We are launching our comprehensive awareness raising campaign today. The mass media awareness raising campaign will cover a range of channels, including TV, radio and digital channels which will be amplified by PR and stakeholder engagement. The activity will set out what the new standard requires and how home owners can get help and advice to make sure their home and families have the right level of protection. The messaging has been developed to reassure people so that they understand what to do, without causing anxiety.

As part of our plans to support partnership activity, we are also developing material that stakeholders, such as Age Scotland, Care and Repair, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Local Authorities can share with their clients. I would like to ask for parliamentary colleagues’ support in making use of the official Scottish Government material to raise awareness of the new standard in their communications with their constituents.

As a general principle, home owners are responsible for the costs of on-going works needed to protect and preserve their own property. Scottish Government financial assistance cannot be made available to support all home owners. However, in recognition that some home owners will be at particular risk of not being able to afford the cost of fitting these alarms, we will be making available an assistance package worth £500,000, which will be administered by Care and Repair Scotland. The funding will be targeted at low income older and disabled home owners who are in receipt of qualifying benefits.

We have continued to work with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to ensure targeted advice is available, and have funded them to fit compliant alarms during home fire safety visits to owner occupied homes of those who are assessed at high risk from fire. We are also working with a range of stakeholders to ensure wide coverage of the new standard.
I trust that this update is helpful in the meantime and I intend to write to all members to make them aware of the marketing campaign, the support being made available and to provide materials to support their own engagement with constituents.

Yours sincerely,

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Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

New standards of fire alarms in all homes in Scotland by February 2022 - 19 August 2021

Letter from Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government to Convener - 19 August 2021