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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Hazardous Substances Planning Common Framework

Letter from Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth to Convener - 31 August 2021


Dear Ariane,

Further to the former Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning’s  letter of 9 February 2021 to the former committee, I am pleased to now share with you the Hazardous Substances (Planning) Common Framework (attached at Annex A) and a table of recommendations from legislatures, including from the former committee, and amendments that the four administrations agreed to based on these recommendations (Annex B).  

My officials, together with their counterparts in UK Government, Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive worked jointly to develop and finalise the framework.  The framework was approved by portfolio Ministers across each of the four administrations and, on 26 March 2021, received approval from the JMC(EN) Ministers of all four nations. 

I trust this is helpful. 

Tom Arthur

Annexe A

Annex Response to REC Committee following session on 07 October

Related correspondences

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Hazardous Substances Planning Common Framework

Letter from Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth to Convener - 31 August 2021