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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean


1st Meeting, 2021

Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Session: 6
Meeting opened at: 09:15am
Meeting closed at: 09:47am

Committee Members Attendees

Clare Adamson (Convener) 
Alasdair Allan  
Sarah Boyack  
Donald Cameron (Deputy Convener) 
Patrick Harvie
Jenni Minto  
Sue Webber  

1 Declaration of interests: 

Members of the Committee were invited to declare any relevant interests. The following voluntary interests were declared— 

Patrick Harvie, Vice-President, European Movement in Scotland. Jenni Minto, is a Trustee  of the Museum of Islay Life. Sarah Boyack, Vice-President, European Movement in Scotland.  

2 Choice of Convener:

The Committee chose Clare Adamson as its Convener. 

3 Choice of Deputy Convener:

The Committee chose Donald Cameron as its Deputy Convener.

4 Legacy Paper:

The Committee considered the legacy papers of its predecessor committees and agreed to consider its initial work programme at a future business planning session.   The Commitee also agreed to write to the BBC about the possible transfer of two studios at BBC Scotland Pacific Quay to the control of BBC Studioworks.  

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