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Seòmar agus comataidhean
Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

All meetings of the committee

2024 Meetings

All meetings of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee held in 2024. On meeting pages you can find agendas, meeting papers, minutes, and links to Official Reports and videos of meetings.

28th Meeting

12 December

  1. Review of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement Inquiry: Part 2
  2. Work programme (in private)

27th Meeting

05 December

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Review of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement Inquiry: Part 2
  3. Evidence Session

26th Meeting

28 November

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Empire, Slavery & Scotland Museums
  3. Evidence Session (in private)

25th Meeting

21 November

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Review of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement Inquiry: Part 2
  3. The Scottish Government’s Policy of EU Alignment – Annual Reports 2024
  4. Evidence Session

24th Meeting

31 October

  1. Declaration of interests
  2. Review of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement Inquiry: Part 2

23rd Meeting

10 October

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Climate Justice
  3. Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2025-26 (in private)

22nd Meeting

03 October

  1. Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2025-26

21st Meeting

26 September

  1. National Outcomes (in private)

20th Meeting

19 September

  1. Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2025-26

19th Meeting

12 September

  1. Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2025-26

18th Meeting

05 September

  1. Review of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation inquiry (in private)
  2. Work programme (in private)

17th Meeting

20 June

  1. Declaration of interests
  2. Decision on taking business in private
  3. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation agreement inquiry
  4. National Outcomes

16th Meeting

13 June

  1. Work programme (in private)

15th Meeting

06 June

  1. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry

14th Meeting

30 May

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Creative Scotland funding for Rein
  3. Evidence Session (in private)

13th Meeting

23 May

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry
  3. Post Brexit Scrutiny Issues
  4. Annual report

12th Meeting

16 May

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Office for the Internal Market Annual Report
  3. National Outcomes
  4. Post-Brexit Scrutiny Issues

11th Meeting

09 May

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry
  3. Consideration of evidence (in private)

10th Meeting

02 May

  1. Declaration of interests
  2. Decision on taking business in private
  3. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry
  4. Evidence Session (in private)

9th Meeting

28 March

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry
  3. Evidence Session (in private)

8th Meeting

21 March

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry
  3. Evidence Session (in private)
  4. Work programme (in private)

7th Meeting

14 March

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. Choice of Deputy Convener
  3. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry
  4. Evidence Session (in private)

6th Meeting

07 March

  1. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry

5th Meeting

08 February

  1. Review of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement inquiry

4th Meeting

01 February

  1. National Outcomes

3rd Meeting

25 January

  1. Work programme (in private)

2nd Meeting

18 January

  1. Decision on taking business in private
  2. BBC Annual Report
  3. Budget scrutiny 2024-25
  4. Evidence Session (in private)

1st Meeting

11 January

  1. Budget Scrutiny 2024-25

2023 Meetings

2022 Meetings

2021 Meetings