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Sustainable development route maps: Session 6

These route maps highlight the journey we are on across key areas of sustainable development within the Scottish Parliament.

  • Completed
  • In progress
  • Not started yet


Circular Economy and Waste

  • Review office waste and recycling systems to ensure the right bins for the right recycling streams are in the right locations throughout the building. This encourages the most amount of segregation of recycling streams.

    • includes removing non-recycling waste infrastructure

  • Reintroduce disposable cup charge for hot beverages  

Sustainable Development Thinking

Net Zero

  • Updated Carbon Management Plan: Net Zero Ready published 

  • Focus on net zero-ready initiatives such as removing the use of gas for heating and cooking and insulating the building, as we strive to have a green recovery from Covid.

Scope 3 Emissions

  • Scope 3 emission inventory and assessment completed

  • Create a model to capture emissions from our supply chain to measure, monitor and start to reduce emissions

  • Carry out homeworking emissions study

  • Promote reusable food containers and encourage staff to use them

  • Business travel review 

    • Review highlighted the need for a business travel policy