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Self-guided visits

Our building is open to all visitors, six days a week.

About self-guided visits

You are welcome to visit the building any time it’s open, from Monday to Saturday. There’s no need to book in advance.  

On a self-guided visit, you can:

A self-guided visit is suitable for all ages and free to attend. You can pick up a visitor map from the Main Hall when you arrive, or download a map ahead of your visit.

A BSL map is also available.

BSL logo

For families, we also have our Family Trail activity book, which contains a map of the grounds outside the building, along with learning activities. It's designed to be printed out and written on, or pick up a copy from the Main Hall when you arrive.

More information

Plan your visit


Visitor behaviour policy


Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Days and times

Monday, Friday and Saturday (including public holidays) –

10am to 5pm (last entry 4.30pm)

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday –

9am to 6.30pm (last entry 6pm)


We suggest 1 to 2 hours.



Other options

Monday to Saturday

(Find out more)

Our short 10 minute talks run throughout the day.

Monday, Friday, Saturday

(Find out more)

Individuals can book up to 9 tickets to join one of our scheduled guided tours. Find them here.