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PE1958: Extend aftercare for previously looked after young people, and remove the continuing care age cap

Petition Summary

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to:

  • Extend aftercare provision in Scotland to ‘previously looked after’ young people who left care before their 16th birthday, on the basis of individual need;
  • Extend continuing care throughout Care Experienced people’s lives, on the basis of individual need; and
  • Ensure Care Experienced people are able to enjoy lifelong rights and achieve equality with non-Care Experienced people. This includes ensuring that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the findings of The Promise are fully implemented in Scotland.

Petitioner: Jasmin-Kasaya Pilling on behalf of Who Cares? Scotland

Status: Under consideration

Date published: 09 August 2022

Click here for the new petition

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee Consideration

Committee Meetings

Official Report of Meeting 07 December 2022

19 April 2023: The Committee heard evidence from the petitioner, Jasmin-Kasaya Pilling, Laura Pasternak, Who Cares? Scotland, Joanne McMeeking, CELCIS (Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection), Megan Farr, Policy Officer, Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, and Fiona McFarlane, The Promise Scotland. The Committee agreed to consider the evidence heard at a future meeting.

Official Report of Meeting 19 April 2023

31 May 2023: The Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise, and to invite the Minister to give evidence at a future meeting. 

Official Report of Meeting 31 May 2023

08 November 2023: The took evidence took evidence from—

Natalie Don, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise,

Sarah Corbett, Care Experience Policy Manager, and

Cara Cooper, Unit Head, A Good Childhood: Children and Young People

The Committee agreed to consider the evidence heard at a later meeting.

Official Report of Meeting 08 November 2023

22 November 2023: The Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise, and the Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (STAF).

Official Report of Meeting 22 November 2023