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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Gabh pàirt

PE1937: To give children the respect they deserve by providing options for privacy when changing for P.E.

Petition Summary

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to to implement the option across all schools for primary school children to wear their P.E kit to school on the days they have P.E.

Petitioner: Gillian Lamarra

Status: Closed

Date published: 23 May 2022

Click here for the full petition.

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee Consideration

Committee Meetings

28 September 2022: The Committee agreed to write to the petitioner to highlight the Scottish Government’s consultation on school uniforms. The Committee also agreed to write to the Commissioner for Children and Young People and COSLA seeking their views on the issues raised in the petition.  

Official Report of Meeting 28 September 2022

8 March 2023: The Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government. 

Official Report of Meeting 8 March 2023

28 June 2023: The Committee agreed to close the petition under Rule 15.7 of Standing Orders.

Official Report of Meeting 28 June 2023

Written Submissions