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Gabh pàirt

PE1668: Improving literacy standards in schools through research informed reading instruction

Petition summary

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to i) provide national guidance, support, and professional learning for teachers in research-informed reading instruction, specifically systematic synthetic phonics; ii) ensure teacher training institutions train new teachers in research-informed reading instruction, specifically systematic synthetic phonics.

Petitioner: Anne Glennie

Status: Under consideration

Date published: 28 June 2017

Click here for the full petition

This petition has been referred to the Education, Children and Young People Committee.

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee Consideration

SPICe Briefing

Committee Meetings

9 November 2017: The Public Petitions Committee agreed to write to the Scottish Government, the General Teaching Council for Scotland, the Educational Institute of Scotland, the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, and teacher training institutions in Scotland.

Official Report of Meeting 9 November 2017

15 March 2018: The Public Petitions Committee agreed to write to the Deputy First Minister and initial teacher education institutions.

Official Report of Meeting 15 March 2018

24 May 2018: The Public Petitions Committee agreed to wait for the publication of the self-evaluation framework, and then seek the petitioner's view on whether it addresses the concerns raised in her petition and subsequent correspondence. The Committee also agreed to write to the Deputy First Minister.

Official Report of Meeting 24 May 2018

27 June 2019: The Public Petitions Committee agreed to refer the petition to the Education and Skills Committee for consideration.

Official Report of Meeting 27 June 2019

Written Submissions

Read any written submissions received by the Public Petitions Committee before May 2021 on our old site

Education and Skills Committee Consideration

30 October 2019: The Education and Skills Committee agreed to keep the petition open.

Official Report of Meeting 30 October 2019

11 November 2020: The Education and Skills Committee agreed to keep the petition open pending a future work programme discussion.

Official Report of Meeting 11 November 2020

Written Submissions

Read any written submissions received by the Education and Skills Committee before May 2021 on our old site

Education, Children and Young People Committee Consideration

Committee Meeting

4 May 2022: The Committee the Committee agreed to close the petition on the basis that it has no current plans to scrutinise initial training education. In doing so, the Committee agreed that should it consider initial training education later in the parliamentary session, it would reflect on the issues raised in the petition as part of its work.

Official Report of Meeting 04 May 2022

Written Submissions