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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Gabh pàirt

Scots Language

This Cross-party group's purpose:

To preserve, promote and encourage the use of the Scots Language amongst MSPs, the wider Scottish Parliament and Scottish Society and to help inform the Scottish Government in taking forward legislation relating to the Scots Language.

The group will also serve to raise questions of the Scottish Government, with the aim of ensuring support is available to those who wish to use the Scots Language and ensuring that Scots is recognised equitably to Scotland’s other main languages, such as Gaelic.

Next meeting

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The next meeting will be held on 2 May 2023 via Zoom.

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch, you can contact Scott McElvanney.

Tagh raon-ama: The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Phone: 0131 348 5240 Find out about call charges.

Involved in the group

MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.


Jackie Dunbar


Party: Scottish National Party

MSP for: Aberdeen Donside (Constituency)

Emma Harper


Party: Scottish National Party

MSP for: South Scotland (Region)

Party: Scottish Green Party

MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)

Annie Wells


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Glasgow (Region)

Non MSP Individuals

Dr Alcorn Rhona
Alexander Marc
Allan Alasdair
Anderson Diane
Anderson Diane
Ansell Mike
Armitage Charlotte
Barr Damien (his PA)
Beck Alan
Best Sam
Bett Alan
Bold Valentina
Briggs Susi
Buchanan Sarah
Burnett Peter
Byrne Steve
Cairns Pauline
Campbell Isleen
Capener Jack
Clark Sara
Clark Thomas
Crozier Ian
De Luca Christine
Dempster Michael
Dempster Michael
Dick Karen
Doric Language Board
Enstam Gwen
Eunson Bruce
Everson Michael
Fairbairn Jamie

Fitt Matthew
France Peter
Fyfe Iona
Gardiner Hazel
Gibson Rob
Gilliland David
Gilmour Anderson Jean
Godley Janey
Green Laura
Hall Simon
Hance Michael
Harvey Andy
Harvey Tracy
Heather Alistair
Heddle Donna
Hendry Joy
Hershaw William
Heywood Alice
Hodgart John
Horsbroch Dauvit
Hubbard Tom
Jones Duncan
Kay Billy
Khan Asif
Kidd Mairi
Kirk Neil
Kopaczyk Joanna
Kumar Jenny
Lavery Hannah
Lambert Marc
Lowing Karen
Leslie Dawn
Lucas Katrina
Lucas Katrina
Maguire Warren
Mackie Matthew
Maley Willie
Martin Neil
Mason Sarah
McAulay-Griffiths Linda
McClure Alan
McClure Derrick
McDonald Hamish
McDonald James
McFarlane Ishbel
McKean Thomas
Miller Alison
Morrison Antonia
Morrison Frieda
Mulholland Alex
McNab Fiona
Needler Claire Louise
Nimmo White Ian
Niven Liz
Paterson Stuart
Pescodd Stuart
Prof Carruthers Gerard
Prof Cowan Ted
Prof Freeman Fred
Prof Millar Robert
Prof Purdie David
Prof Purdie Rhiannon
Publishing Scotland
Rennie Susan
Riach Alan
Robertson James
Robson Frances
Ross Jackie
Dr Royan Nicola
Scobbie James
Sherland Marc
Shetland for Wirds
Smith Donald
Smith Donald
Smith Jamie
Smith Jennifer
Strachan Kirsty
Thoumire Simon
Tinker Fiona
Todd Jim
Tucker Joanna
Turnbull Rory
Uri Antonia
Waddell Christopher
Ward Rosemary
Warnecke Sylvia
Waters Marilyn
Watson Lori
Watt George
West Gary
Williamson Christie
Wilson Colin
Wilson Rab
Yeoman Louise


Scots Language Dictionaries
Robert Burns World Federation
Scottish Government
Oor Vyce
Ulster Scots Agency
The National Newspaper
Scots Language Centre
Banff Academy, Doric Institute
Scots Hoose
Association for Scottish Literary Studies
Scottish Poetry Library
Creative Scotland
East Ayrshire Council
Scots Language Society
Elphinstone Institute
Scots Language Radio
University of Glasgow
Burns Bachelors Club
Scottish Text Society
Scottish Storytelling Centre
Traditional Arts Culture Scotland
Hands up for TRAD
Robert Burns Birthplace Museum
Scottish Book Trust