This Cross-party group's purpose:
To establish a forum for discussion and innovative thinking on men’s violence against women and children, with a focus on prevention, protection, provision and participation, including, but not limited to, all the forms of violence and exploitation encompassed in “Equally Safe - Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls.
The purpose is in the public interest as Violence against Women and Girls is the biggest violation of human rights in Scotland, and creating policy and practice that improve Scotland’s response is of the highest public interest.
Our agreed, specific programme includes the following actions:
• Monitor, advise on and promote good practice and evidence-based responses.
• Promote the rights of women, children and young people experiencing men’s violence and ensure that their experience and views inform the political process.
• Promote policy and practice that hold men to account for their violence against women, children and young people.
• Link women, children and young people’s experience of violence against women to the wider context of gender equality and women’s inequality. girls."
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
The next meeting of the CPG will be on 18 March 2025 18: 00 to 19:30 via Microsoft TeamsIf you want to get in touch, you can contact Nicola Gilbert.
Tagh raon-ama:
MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.
Party: Scottish National Party
MSP for: Strathkelvin and Bearsden (Constituency)
Deputy Convener
Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats
MSP for: Shetland Islands (Constituency)
Party: Scottish Labour
MSP for: Mid Scotland and Fife (Region)
Party: Scottish Labour
MSP for: West Scotland (Region)
Party: Scottish National Party
MSP for: Glasgow Cathcart (Constituency)
Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
MSP for: South Scotland (Region)
Party: Scottish Labour
MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)
Party: Scottish National Party
MSP for: Aberdeen South and North Kincardine (Constituency)
Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
MSP for: North East Scotland (Region)
Gillian Baker
Nikki Dillon
George Eckton
Liz Gilchrist
Christine Gray
Lily Greenan
Alice Jackson
Kelly Johnson
Nancy Lombard
Stephen Madill
Kallia Manoussaki
Carlene McAvoy
Dr Melanie McCarry
Mhairi McGowan
David Morran
Anne Robertson Brown
Richard Whitecross
Elisabeth Loose
Lucia Dahlby
Amina Muslim Women Resource Centre
Caledonian System
Central Advocacy Partners, Falkirk
Church of Scotland
City of Edinburgh Council, Community Justice
Clinical Psychology Division of the Forensic Mental Health and Learning Disability Service of Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS
Close the Gap
Edinburgh Women’s Aid
The Evangelical Alliance
Girlguiding Scotland
NHS Lanarkshire Gender-Based Violence Services
NUS Scotland
Pilton Community Health Project
Rape Crisis Scotland
Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre Perth & Kinross
SAY Women
Scottish Association of Social Workers
Scottish Women’s Aid
Thriving Survivors
UN House Scotland
Wise Women
Scottish Women’s Convention