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Gabh pàirt


This Cross-party group's purpose:

To provide a forum for the discussion of issues relevant to Scotland’s islands and the residents of island communities, and to improve links between the Scottish Parliament and island communities

Next meeting

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The next meeting of the CPG will be held on Wednesday 22 May at 13.00 to 14.00 online (Microsoft Teams)

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch, you can contact Jamie Paterson


Tagh raon-ama: The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

Involved in the group

MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)

Beatrice Wishart

Deputy Convener

Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats

MSP for: Shetland Islands (Constituency)

Party: Scottish Green Party

MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)

Finlay Carson


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Galloway and West Dumfries (Constituency)

Rhoda Grant


Party: Scottish Labour

MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)

Liam McArthur


Party: Scottish Liberal Democrats

MSP for: Orkney Islands (Constituency)

Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)

Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Central Scotland (Region)

Non MSP Individuals

James Paterson, Office of Jamie Halcro Johnston MSP (Interim Secretary)
Kenny Macleod
Ida Holmstrom 
Ian MacFarlane 
Donnie MacInnes 
Murdo MacLean
Eoin MacNeil
Joanna Peteranna
Gail Robertson  
Neil McCrirrick
Naomi Bremner  
Tracy Mayo 
Alana Macinnes
Marie Campbell 


Argyll & Bute Council  
Argyll & Bute HSCP
Arran Community Council 
Arran CVS 
Arran Development Trust
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Breasclete Community Council 
Caledonian Maritime Assets LTD
Calmac Ferries LTD 
Coll Community Council
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Creative Scotland 
Development Trusts Association Scotland
European Rural Community Alliance 
Ferries Community Board 
Harris Voluntary Service
Highland Council
Islay Community Council 
Isle of Luing Community Trust 
James Hutton Institute
Mull & Iona Community Trust
Mull & Iona Ferry Committee 
North Yell Development Council 
Orkney Islands Council 
Raasay Development Trust 
Reflex Orkney 
Rousay Egilsay & Wyre Development Trust
Scottish Islands Federation
Scottish Rural Action
Scottish Rural & Islands Transport Community 
Scottish Women’s Convention
Shetland Fishermen’s Association 
Shetland Islands Council 
Taste of Arran
Ullapool Harbour 
University of Aberdeen 
Visit Arran
Visit Scotland