This Cross-party group's purpose:
To raise awareness of food issues from production through to consumption in Scotland and their importance to the consumer, the economy, the environment and to the health of Scotland;
To act as a policy forum for discussion and updating on food issues in Scotland;
To contribute to policy development on a range of food issues in Scotland.
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
The following are future dates that the CPG on Food will meet
14 May 2025, 6pm
10 September 2025, 6pm (AGM)
If you want to get in touch, you can contact Kirsty Tinsdale
Tagh raon-ama:
MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.
Party: Scottish Labour
MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)
Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
MSP for: Glasgow (Region)
Party: Scottish National Party
MSP for: Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley (Constituency)
Party: Scottish Labour
MSP for: Mid Scotland and Fife (Region)
Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
MSP for: Highlands and Islands (Region)
Party: Scottish Labour
MSP for: South Scotland (Region)
Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
MSP for: South Scotland (Region)