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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Gabh pàirt


This Cross-party group's purpose: 

A forum to raise awareness and promote the interests of autistic people, including those with Asperger syndrome, their families and carers; and to influence government policy. 

Next meeting

The next meeting will be announced in due course and will include the AGM.

Get in touch

If you want to get in touch, you can contact National Autistic Society Scotland 

Tagh raon-ama: Room 7.01, Clockwise Glasgow, 77 Renfrew Street, Glasgow, G2 3BZ

Involved in the group

MSPs, individuals and organisations who participate in and support this group.


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Aberdeenshire West (Constituency)

Annie Wells

Deputy Convener

Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Glasgow (Region)

Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Lothian (Region)

Party: Scottish National Party

MSP for: Uddingston and Bellshill (Constituency)

Finlay Carson


Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Galloway and West Dumfries (Constituency)

Party: Scottish Labour

MSP for: Edinburgh Southern (Constituency)

Party: Scottish National Party

MSP for: Coatbridge and Chryston (Constituency)

Carol Mochan


Party: Scottish Labour

MSP for: South Scotland (Region)

Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

MSP for: Dumfriesshire (Constituency)

Mark Ruskell


Party: Scottish Green Party

MSP for: Mid Scotland and Fife (Region)

Non MSP Individuals

David Nicholson
Maria Chan
Dr. Aurora Constantin
Dr. Catriona Stewart OBE
Steve Billingham
Rachel Birch
Fiona Clarke
Trish Collins
David Stewart


National Autistic Society Scotland
Scottish Autism
Autism and Neurodiversity North Scotland
Autism Initiatives
HOPE for Autism
The M Word
Education Scotland
Autistic Flair
Perth Autism Support
Salvesen Mindroom Centre
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland
Shared Lives Plus
Autistic Knowledge Development CIC
Edinburgh Lothian Asperger Society
The Autism Network
Scottish Ethnic Minority Autistics
Borders Additional Needs Group
Central Advocacy Partners