Paul O'Kane (S6M-16302)
That the Parliament acknowledges that 12 March 2025 marks Young Carers Action Day; welcomes the annual campaign initiative, led by Carers Trust, which is encouraging as many organisations, communities and individuals as possible to take part in the day by taking action, and supporting and raising awareness of young carers; recognises the 2025 theme, Give Us a Break, which will focus on ensuring that young carers are able to access timely and restful breaks to avoid burnout from their caring role, and the need for education professionals and employers to give them a break in life by supporting them in school and at work, and creating better life opportunities; commends what it sees as the immense contribution that young carers make to society, including in the West Scotland region, by caring for their family or friends who are ill, frail, disabled or have mental health or addiction problems; believes that caring for someone should not be a barrier to having an equal opportunity in learning, earning or being able to participate and get on in life; recognises that young carers’ responsibilities at home can mean that they often feel overwhelmed at having to juggle their caring responsibilities with their school work and social life; notes Carers Trust’s research, which found that 52% of young carers surveyed said that they always or usually feel stressed because of being a young carer or young adult carer; acknowledges what it considers is the importance of events such as the Scottish Young Carers Festival, which provide an opportunity for young carers to have a break from their caring role, meet other young carers and have fun; understands that young carers want lasting meaningful change to take place to ensure that young carers now, and in the future, remain at the forefront of policy development and have access to the support and breaks that they are entitled to and deserve; recognises what it sees as the importance of rest and respite for young carers in Scotland; notes the view that all young carers deserve a break, and wishes all involved in this year’s #YoungCarersActionDay the very best of luck in their endeavours.
Further details available for S6M-16302