Craig Hoy (S6M-14749)
That the Parliament notes the publication of the findings of the Cross-Party Group on Beer and Pubs' report, What does "Brand Scotland" mean for the Scottish Beer and Pub sector?; believes that Scotland should be a highly desirable country to live, work, study, visit, trade and invest; understands that the Scottish beer and pub sector contributes significantly to Brand Scotland; welcomes the inquiry carried out by MSPs, who took written and oral evidence from a wide section of witnesses, including breweries, pub operators, trade groups and research organisations; understands that witnesses told the inquiry about the dynamic and vibrant contribution that the sector makes to communities and the economy across Scotland, including in the South Scotland region, with over 100 breweries and 4,340 pubs employing 65,000 people and contributing £1.8 billion in wider economic benefits; notes what it sees as the largely unacknowledged and unique benefits that Scotland’s pubs and breweries provide, including preventing social exclusion, boosting tourism, supporting local festivals, music, arts and sport, and acting as a catalyst for local events and charity fundraising; further notes, with concern, reports that Scotland’s pubs are closing at a faster rate than elsewhere in the UK, with investment being diverted as, it understands, a lack of certainty makes it difficult to plan ahead, including as a result of regulatory proposals, complex and time consuming planning processes, employment challenges and business rates; notes that the report calls for a new hospitality strategy that aligns with Brand Scotland, which includes a review of business rates, the promotion of employment opportunities and a recognition of the need for a period of regulatory calm, and which should be developed in partnership with the sector, trade representatives and the Scottish Government, and further notes the calls for MSPs to commit to implementing these changes for the social and economic wellbeing of the Scottish hospitality sector.
Further details available for S6M-14749