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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Ending the Not Proven Verdict

  • Submitted by: Jamie Greene, West Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 13 December 2021
  • Motion reference: S6M-02553
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Thursday, 16 December 2021

Motions as amended

That the Parliament recognises concerns held by many about the current three verdict system, including issues raised in independent jury research that suggest jurors may have inconsistent views on the meaning and effect of the not proven verdict; further recognises the concerns raised by the complainers of particularly heinous crimes, including gender-based violence, rape and domestic abuse, that the not proven verdict is more often applied in crimes of rape and attempted rape compared to other crimes; notes the strong case that can be made for the abolition of the not proven verdict; further notes that the Scottish jury system is a complex, inter-related system and that verdicts must be considered alongside other key aspects of jury size, majority and corroboration, and against the background of wider, related work, including the recommendations of the Lord Justice Clerk’s review on the management of sexual offence cases, encourages all those with an interest to consider and respond to the current Scottish Government consultation on the not proven verdict and related reforms; recognises that many survivors of sexual crimes find their experiences of the justice system to be re-traumatising, and believes that improving the experience of victims will require improvements throughout the criminal justice process and that this must start with clearing the backlog of court cases, which disproportionately affects access to justice for women and children, as a priority.

Supported by: Sharon Dowey


Result 92 for, 26 against, 0 abstained, 11 did not vote Vote Passed

Scottish National Party

  • Adam, George
  • Adam, Karen
  • Adamson, Clare
  • Allan, Dr Alasdair
  • Arthur, Tom
  • Beattie, Colin
  • Brown, Keith
  • Brown, Siobhian
  • Callaghan, Stephanie
  • Coffey, Willie
  • Constance, Angela
  • Dey, Graeme
  • Doris, Bob
  • Dunbar, Jackie
  • Ewing, Annabelle
  • Ewing, Fergus
  • Fairlie, Jim
  • FitzPatrick, Joe
  • Forbes, Kate
  • Gibson, Kenneth
  • Gilruth, Jenny
  • Gougeon, Mairi
  • Grahame, Christine
  • Gray, Neil
  • Harper, Emma
  • Haughey, Clare
  • Hepburn, Jamie
  • Hyslop, Fiona
  • Kidd, Bill
  • Lochhead, Richard
  • MacDonald, Gordon
  • MacGregor, Fulton
  • Mackay, Rona
  • Macpherson, Ben
  • Martin, Gillian
  • Mason, John
  • Matheson, Michael
  • McAllan, Màiri
  • McKee, Ivan
  • McLennan, Paul
  • McMillan, Stuart
  • McNair, Marie
  • Minto, Jenni
  • Nicoll, Audrey
  • Regan, Ash
  • Robertson, Angus
  • Robison, Shona
  • Roddick, Emma
  • Somerville, Shirley-Anne
  • Stevenson, Collette
  • Stewart, Kaukab
  • Stewart, Kevin
  • Swinney, John
  • Thomson, Michelle
  • Todd, Maree
  • Torrance, David
  • Tweed, Evelyn
  • Whitham, Elena
  • Yousaf, Humza
Did not vote
  • Don, Natalie
  • Dornan, James
  • Maguire, Ruth
  • McKelvie, Christina
  • Sturgeon, Nicola

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

  • Mundell, Oliver
  • Briggs, Miles
  • Burnett, Alexander
  • Cameron, Donald
  • Carson, Finlay
  • Dowey, Sharon
  • Findlay, Russell
  • Gallacher, Meghan
  • Golden, Maurice
  • Gosal, Pam
  • Greene, Jamie
  • Gulhane, Sandesh
  • Halcro Johnston, Jamie
  • Hamilton, Rachael
  • Hoy, Craig
  • Kerr, Liam
  • Kerr, Stephen
  • Lockhart, Dean
  • Lumsden, Douglas
  • Mountain, Edward
  • Ross, Douglas
  • Simpson, Graham
  • Stewart, Alexander
  • Webber, Sue
  • Wells, Annie
  • White, Tess
  • Whittle, Brian
Did not vote
  • Balfour, Jeremy
  • Carlaw, Jackson
  • Fraser, Murdo
  • Smith, Liz

Scottish Labour

  • Baillie, Jackie
  • Baker, Claire
  • Bibby, Neil
  • Boyack, Sarah
  • Choudhury, Foysol
  • Clark, Katy
  • Duncan-Glancy, Pam
  • Grant, Rhoda
  • Griffin, Mark
  • Johnson, Daniel
  • Leonard, Richard
  • Marra, Michael
  • McNeill, Pauline
  • Mochan, Carol
  • O'Kane, Paul
  • Rowley, Alex
  • Sarwar, Anas
  • Smyth, Colin
  • Sweeney, Paul
  • Villalba, Mercedes
  • Whitfield, Martin
Did not vote
  • Lennon, Monica

Scottish Green Party

  • Burgess, Ariane
  • Chapman, Maggie
  • Greer, Ross
  • Harvie, Patrick
  • Mackay, Gillian
  • Ruskell, Mark
  • Slater, Lorna
Did not vote

Scottish Liberal Democrats

  • Cole-Hamilton, Alex
  • McArthur, Liam
  • Rennie, Willie
  • Wishart, Beatrice
Did not vote

No Party Affiliation

Did not vote
  • Johnstone, Alison

Original motion text

That the Parliament believes that the current three verdict judicial system in Scotland’s criminal courts is not fit for purpose, as it frequently does not deliver justice for the victims of many heinous crimes, including gender-based violence, rape and domestic abuse, and therefore calls for the removal of the not proven verdict.

Accepted amendments

Motion ref. S6M-02553.3

Ending the Not Proven Verdict - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Keith Brown, Clackmannanshire and Dunblane, Scottish National Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Supported by: Ash Regan
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Thursday, December 16, 2021

Result 91 for, 27 against, 0 abstained, 11 did not vote Vote Passed

Amendments that have not been voted on

Motion ref. S6M-02553.1

Ending the Not Proven Verdict - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Pauline McNeill, Glasgow, Scottish Labour, Date lodged: Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Supported by: Katy Clark, Paul Sweeney
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Thursday, December 16, 2021

Motion ref. S6M-02553.2

Ending the Not Proven Verdict - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Maggie Chapman, North East Scotland, Scottish Green Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, December 15, 2021