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Rotary Club of Currie Balerno Recycling PCs

  • Submitted by: Gordon MacDonald, Edinburgh Pentlands, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 10 December 2018
  • Motion reference: S5M-15094
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 09 January 2019

That the Parliament thanks the Rotary Club of Currie Balerno, which has recycled and provided used computers for schools in Africa for over six years with its partners, the Turing Trust; recognises that over 4,000 PCs have been wiped, refurbished, installed with educational materials and shipped to schools in Ghana, Malawi and other African countries; considers that there are not only social benefits from reusing old PCs but also environmental benefits from the offsetting of 2,058 tonnes of CO2 emissions so far, which is the equivalent of planting 5,145 trees; acknowledges that many of the project volunteers learned IT refurbishment skills and that four trainees have used their training and work experience as an opportunity to end long-term unemployment and get full-time jobs; understands that the club’s most recent project, under the Scottish Government’s small grants programme, is to provide computers for classrooms in Malawi over a three-year period and that, to date, it has helped 41,067 students to gain vital digital literacy skills; encourages potential donors to provide old computers, and notes the calls on the Scottish Government to give greater consideration to smaller charities such as these to develop their projects and expertise.

Supported by: Tom Arthur, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alex Cole-Hamilton, Angela Constance, John Finnie, Kenneth Gibson, Jenny Gilruth, Emma Harper, Alison Johnstone, Bill Kidd, Gordon Lindhurst, Richard Lyle, Fulton MacGregor, Gillian Martin, Stuart McMillan, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Sandra White