That the Parliament commends the Association of British Credit Unions Limited (ABCUL) on its social media campaign, Work Not Worry, which ran from 9 July to 3 August 2018; understands that the campaign was designed to raise awareness of the benefits of partnerships with credit unions among employers and to encourage more employers to establish new relationships with their local credit union; notes from research published in 2017 by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development that 26% of working-age adults in the UK have no savings, and that one-in-four workers have lost sleep over financial worries; recognises that a majority of employers say that working with credit unions improves the financial capability of staff and helps to create a more productive and better supported workforce, and applauds the continuing efforts of ABCUL to promote the benefits of credit union membership.
Supported by:
Tom Arthur, Neil Findlay, Kenneth Gibson, Jenny Gilruth, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Fulton MacGregor, Gillian Martin, John Mason, Joan McAlpine, Alex Rowley, Stewart Stevenson, Maureen Watt, Sandra White