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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Consultation on a Ban of the Export of Live Animals for Slaughter

  • Submitted by: Christine Grahame, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 07 February 2018
  • Motion reference: S5M-10365
  • Current status: Achieved cross-party support

That the Parliament notes the support for a consultation on a ban on the export of live animals from Scotland, including from the Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency, for the purposes of slaughter or fattening; understands that, in 2016, approximately 2,400 sheep were sent from Scotland to Germany and France for slaughter, and that approximately 3,000 calves were exported to Spain, according to figures from the Animal and Plant Health Agency; further understands that the calves were first shipped to Northern Ireland, then by road to the Republic of Ireland and onwards on a 20-hour sea journey to France, to finally be driven through France to Spain; agrees with the Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity's comments on 6 February 2018 that “most animals should be slaughtered as close to the farm as possible”, and accordingly notes the calls for the Scottish Government to consult on a ban on the export of live animals for slaughter or fattening.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Willie Coffey, John Finnie, Iain Gray, Ross Greer, Patrick Harvie, Daniel Johnson, Alison Johnstone, Richard Lyle, Lewis Macdonald, John Mason, Mark McDonald, Ivan McKee, Alex Rowley, Mark Ruskell (Registered interest) , Anas Sarwar, Elaine Smith, Colin Smyth