That the Parliament welcomes the announcement by Scottish Women’s Aid and Rape Crisis Scotland that they will not co-operate with the UK Government’s so-called Rape Clause in relation to child tax credits; understands that the policy will cap child tax credit entitlement for families at two children, unless they can prove, with third-party certification, that any subsequent children were as a result of rape; further understands that this policy, which is due to be implemented on 6 April 2017, has no third sector supporters in Scotland; agrees with the Scottish Government’s Minister for Social Security that the policy is a "fundamental violation of human rights", and calls on the UK Government to reverse it at once.
Supported by:
Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Claudia Beamish, Graeme Dey, Neil Findlay, Kenneth Gibson, Jenny Gilruth, Mairi Gougeon, Ross Greer, Mark Griffin, Emma Harper, Patrick Harvie, Clare Haughey, Alison Johnstone, Bill Kidd, Johann Lamont, Monica Lennon, Richard Lyle, Fulton MacGregor, Ben Macpherson, Ruth Maguire, John Mason, Joan McAlpine, Ivan McKee, Stuart McMillan, Ash Regan, Gail Ross, Mark Ruskell, Colin Smyth, Maree Todd, David Torrance, Sandra White, Andy Wightman