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West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative Wins Top National Award

  • Submitted by: James Kelly, Glasgow, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Friday, 09 December 2016
  • Motion reference: S5M-03032

That the Parliament warmly congratulates the West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative (WWHC) on achieving the top prize in the Environment and Sustainability Award category at a recent awards ceremony hosted by the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland; understands that WWHC, which is based in Cambuslang, received the award as a result of its ground-breaking and innovative Biomass Energy Project; notes that the judges were particularly impressed by the manner in which WWHC had combined significant environmental benefits by using biomass fuel and that it had also become the tenants’ not-for-profit energy supply company; notes that the company sought to tackle fuel poverty by freezing tenants’ energy bills for 27 consecutive months; commends the entire team at WWHC for their outstanding efforts, and wishes them all the best in moving forward with the project.

Supported by: Claudia Beamish, Kenneth Gibson, Clare Haughey, Johann Lamont, Richard Lyle, Stuart McMillan, Gil Paterson