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COPE Scotland, My Wellbeing, My Future Award Winner

  • Submitted by: Bill Kidd, Glasgow Anniesland, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 24 August 2015
  • Motion reference: S4M-14025

That the Parliament congratulates the Glasgow Anniesland-based  COPE Scotland on its musical entry, Wellbeing, being named a winner in the inaugural Health and Social Care Academy creative wellbeing competition, which invited people and groups to share their perspectives on the theme, My Wellbeing, My Future, through poetry, short stories, photography, videos, music and arts and crafts; notes that COPE Scotland’s winning entry showcased a group of members who get together and created their own song; which can be found at; congratulates everyone involved; recognises what it sees as the importance of the organisation to the community; considers that its staff provide radical and emergent ideas that should be applauded, and believes that such work helps provide a transformational change for mental health practice in Scotland.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Chic Brodie, Graeme Dey, James Dornan, Jim Eadie, Kenneth Gibson, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Alison Johnstone, Richard Lyle, Gordon MacDonald, Mike MacKenzie, Joan McAlpine, Anne McTaggart, Gil Paterson, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance