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Concerns over Refusing Citizenship to Refugees

  • Submitted by: Emma Roddick, Highlands and Islands, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 27 February 2025
  • Motion reference: S6M-16554

That the Parliament shares the reported deep concern of some MPs in the UK Parliament regarding the decision whereby citizenship will normally be refused for refugees who have made irregular crossings to the UK; notes that the Refugee Council has reportedly said that the move will potentially bar 71,000 people, who have successfully been granted asylum, from claiming UK citizenship; believes that this move undermines the fundamental rights of, and respect for, those affected; considers that irregular and dangerous entries to the UK often reflect a lack of safe and legal routes being made available; recognises what it sees as the role that Scotland and the rest of the UK must play in offering safety and sanctuary to people exercising their human right to seek asylum from war and persecution, and urges the UK Government to reconsider this policy.

Supported by: Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Ariane Burgess, Stephanie Callaghan, Joe FitzPatrick, Bill Kidd, Fulton MacGregor, John Mason, Stuart McMillan, Audrey Nicoll, David Torrance, Mercedes Villalba