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UK Government Delivering for Dundee with £2.6 million for V&A Dundee and £20 million for City Regeneration Projects

  • Submitted by: Michael Marra, North East Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 18 February 2025
  • Motion reference: S6M-16504

That the Parliament welcomes the announcement of what it sees as a significant investment in the city of Dundee by the UK Government, including £2.6 million for V&A Dundee and a further £20 million for regeneration in the city; understands that the UK Government’s capital investment will enable V&A Dundee to transform its galleries and make the museum even more appealing and accessible to visitors; shares the UK Government’s belief in the importance of V&A Dundee to the city's economy and communities, attracting millions of visitors to the city; welcomes the UK Government’s reported commitment of £20 million for regeneration and growth projects in Dundee; considers that such investments are central to the UK Government’s plan for economic growth; values the difference it believes of having a UK Government that is focused on raising living standards and delivering for people across Scotland, and wishes V&A Dundee, and the city of Dundee, every success with these forthcoming projects.

Supported by: Neil Bibby, Sarah Boyack, Foysol Choudhury, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Paul O'Kane, Paul Sweeney, Martin Whitfield