That the Parliament congratulates Midlothian Young People's Advice Service on receiving a £198,697 grant from the National Lottery Community Fund; notes that this will be used by the group to continue the delivery of its specialist support service to improve mental health and wellbeing for LGBTQIA+ young people aged 12 to 21 in Midlothian and East Lothian; understands that the group has reduced isolation and increased social connections for its service users; commends the work of Midlothian Young People's Advice Service, and thanks everyone involved for their continued hard work and dedication.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Stephanie Callaghan, Finlay Carson, Annabelle Ewing, Kenneth Gibson, Emma Harper, Bill Kidd, Fulton MacGregor, Ruth Maguire, Marie McNair, Audrey Nicoll, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Evelyn Tweed, Annie Wells, Tess White