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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Improving Access to Hearing Care for Scotland’s Ageing Population

  • Submitted by: Sharon Dowey, South Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 13 February 2025
  • Motion reference: S6M-16452
  • Current status: Has not yet achieved cross-party support

That the Parliament understands that over 900,000 adults in Scotland live with age-related hearing loss; believes that uncorrected hearing loss can have a significant impact on people, notably social isolation, mental ill health and a heightened risk of developing dementia; understands that demand for hearing care services is increasing across the country, including in Ayrshire, as a result of changing demographics; notes that the number of over 60s in Scotland is projected to increase by 50% by 2033, and that South Ayrshire is the fastest ageing local authority area; notes the view that additional capacity in NHS services is needed to ensure that people presenting with hearing loss can access quality and timely care; considers that independent providers of audiology services have the skills, IT connectivity and capacity to meet the increased demand; notes the Scottish Government’s commitment to bolster community audiology provision and put community audiology services on a par with the country's free community eye care services, and further notes the view that there is an opportunity to improve dramatically access to hearing care services by replicating this model.

Supported by: Foysol Choudhury, Pam Gosal, Monica Lennon, John Mason