That the Parliament welcomes the recent reports of Professor Alexis Jay and Action for Children, and the charity’s service provision, which highlight the issue of criminal exploitation of children; considers that the testimony from exploited young people, Action for Children staff who support these young people, and other professionals connected with this work have described the harrowing and shocking experiences that children have encountered; understands that this issue hides in plain sight and that criminal exploitation of children can take place anywhere across Scotland, including in the Falkirk West constituency, and can happen to anyone; believes that these reports offer an opportunity to raise awareness of this important topic with members of the public, parliamentarians and decision makers, while also creating the chance to explore solutions to tackling this form of child abuse, and notes the belief that, in doing so, society can help to meet the aims and vision of The Promise, ensuring that Scotland does become the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up, where they feel loved, safe, respected and able to realise their full potential.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Colin Beattie, Stephanie Callaghan, James Dornan, Annabelle Ewing, Bill Kidd, Fulton MacGregor, Rona Mackay, Liam McArthur, Audrey Nicoll, Emma Roddick, Kevin Stewart, Elena Whitham