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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Aleksandr Lukashenko Europe's Last Dictator

  • Submitted by: Humza Yousaf, Glasgow Pollok, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 04 February 2025
  • Motion reference: S6M-16248

That the Parliament does not consider the 26 January 2025 elections for the Presidency of Belarus as legitimate, nor does it consider the vote legitimate or democratic; believes that the four non-incumbent candidates were merely "paper candidates" sanctioned by the Lukashenko regime, and understands that, for the first time, there were no candidates from the democratic opposition on the ballot; echoes the concerns of the Viasna Human Rights Centre and Belarusian Helsinki Committee regarding the "repressive climate of threat, fear-mongering, pressure and persecution" in the country; supports the sanctions in place against the Lukashenko regime; applauds what it sees as the refusal of the Belarusian people to be silenced and their continued calls for democratic elections, respect for human rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms; stands in solidarity with them; supports the Belarusian democratic forces, and calls for real, free and fair elections, the release of all political prisoners and the end of repression in Belarus, with the perpetrators, including what it sees as Europe’s last dictator, Aleksandr Lukashenko, to be held to account.

Supported by: Colin Beattie, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, John Mason, Liam McArthur, Audrey Nicoll, Kevin Stewart, Elena Whitham