That the Parliament believes that communities must be at the heart of the renewable energy transition, and that it is vital that they share in the significant benefits that will be created, in contrast with how Scotland’s communities have been failed for decades under successive UK administrations’ energy policies; notes the ongoing representations by the Scottish Government to the UK Government around the need for energy market reform; further notes that Scotland has some of the most stringent environmental impact regulations anywhere in the world and that the planning and consenting system is designed to ensure that local communities have their say; notes that the proposed reforms have long been the established position in England, which the previous UK Conservative administration did not alter in its 14 years in office, and understands that the proposals would require developers to consult communities much earlier in the planning process, which will ensure that affected communities can more meaningfully influence the process of project development.
Result 83 for, 35 against, 7 abstained, 4 did not vote Vote Passed
Scottish National Party
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Scottish Labour
Scottish Green Party
Scottish Liberal Democrats
No Party Affiliation
Alba Party
That the Parliament opposes the UK and Scottish governments’ jointly proposed reforms to the consenting process under the Electricity Act 1989, which risk silencing the voices of communities by removing the right to a public inquiry on consent decisions; notes with concern that the Scottish Government has allowed pylons and other electricity infrastructure to be built without the consent of local communities; acknowledges that community groups often do not have the resources to oppose electricity infrastructure, and calls on the Scottish Government to consider how this could be addressed, and implores both governments to abandon these plans and to ensure that community voices are at the heart of the consenting process going forward.
Submitted by: Sarah Boyack, Lothian, Scottish Labour, Date lodged: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Supported by: Mercedes Villalba
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Submitted by: Liam McArthur, Orkney Islands, Scottish Liberal Democrats, Date lodged: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Submitted by: Alasdair Allan, Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Scottish National Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Supported by: Gillian Martin
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, January 22, 2025