Submitting member has a registered interest.
That the Parliament notes that Michael (Mick) Lynch, the general secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), has announced his intention to retire in 2025; recognises what it sees as his outstanding contribution to the RMT and the wider trade union movement across four decades; understands from reports that he was illegally blacklisted for joining a trade union before helping to set up the Electrical and Plumbing Industries Union (EPIU) in 1988 and that he subsequently joined the RMT when he began working on Eurostar in 1993; notes the reported mandates from RMT members for the strong stance that the RMT took against what it considered were wholesale attacks on rail workers by the previous UK administration; welcomes what it believes have been the victories achieved by Mick for transport and energy workers and the travelling public, and wishes Mick a long, healthy and happy retirement proud in the knowledge that, it believes, he leaves the RMT in a strong position to continue to represent and advocate for its members and to build a fairer society. R
Supported by:
Colin Beattie, Ariane Burgess, Maggie Chapman (Registered interest)
, Foysol Choudhury, Rhoda Grant, Monica Lennon (Registered interest)
, Rona Mackay, Marie McNair, Pauline McNeill, Carol Mochan, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Mercedes Villalba