That the Parliament recognises the efforts of the Stirling Aid Christmas Eve Community event where almost 300 people were supported with food donations; understands that the event followed five weeks of planning and that the Stirling Aid Christmas Eve Community Food event opened its doors at 4.00 pm on 24 December 2024 to a long queue of people at the former Stirling Community Food premises in Wellgreen Lane; further understands that the hub was packed full of food and gifts donated by local businesses and that it was further boosted by a donation of £1,600 raised by members of the public via the Stirling Pulling Together Facebook page; commends the hard work, dedication and generosity of many volunteers, who helped to distribute food parcels of turkeys, steak pies, fresh fruit and vegetables, soup bags, portioned meals, cupboard essentials, selection boxes, flowers and wrapped gifts to 277 members of the public; notes that a large supply of ready meals and sandwiches were given to the nearby homeless hostels, with the remaining surplus delivered to the Stirling University Community Fridge after doors closed at 10.00 pm; extends its thanks to Citizen’s Advice Bureau Stirling and Stirling Aid, the Haider Bhatti family, members of the public who dropped off donations, Victoria who designed the logo, YMCA Denny, RVS Stirling Community Hospital, Start-Up Stirling, Fairtrade, Stirling Health Food Shop, Stirling High School, Grahams Dairies, Bridge of Allan Primary School, Stirling Observer Give A Gift Appeal, M&S Dunblane, Bookers, Coop Denny, Aldi, Tesco Cumbernauld, Morrisons and Farmfoods; applauds the Stirling community’s hard work, generosity, contributions and kindness, and extends is very best wishes to everyone for the year ahead.
Supported by:
Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Stephanie Callaghan, Foysol Choudhury, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Murdo Fraser, Bill Kidd, Monica Lennon, Stuart McMillan, Paul Sweeney, Annie Wells