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Professor Susan Christina Welburn Appointed OBE

  • Submitted by: Brian Whittle, South Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 07 January 2025
  • Motion reference: S6M-16008

That the Parliament congratulates Professor Susan Christina Welburn on being appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for services to One Health research and to disease elimination through her work as a professor of medical and veterinary molecular epidemiology; understands that the One Health approach works across disciplines to recognises the closely linked and interdependent nature of health between humans, animals, plants and the environment; notes that Professor Welburn’s recent research, which has ranged from field work in Africa to gene-level laboratory work, has concentrated on the design and use of molecular diagnostic tools for the study and management of sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis, and integrated control methodologies for control of the neglected zoonoses; commends Professor Welburn on her significant contributions to health research and control of neglected zoonotic diseases, and wishes her all the best in her future projects.

Supported by: Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Jackson Carlaw, Finlay Carson, Sharon Dowey, Tim Eagle, Annabelle Ewing, Russell Findlay, Meghan Gallacher, Maurice Golden, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Craig Hoy, Liam Kerr, Stephen Kerr, Bill Kidd, Stuart McMillan, Edward Mountain, Douglas Ross, Liz Smith, Alexander Stewart, Paul Sweeney, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White