That the Parliament celebrates that Scotland has, it believes, the world’s strongest legal rights to safe, suitable housing and to housing support, including for people in the Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley constituency; notes the opposition to any steps that would reduce or suspend rights in law for people who are homeless, related to priority need, local connection or unsuitable accommodation; expresses concern at reports that, across Scotland in 2023-24, the duty to offer temporary accommodation was breached 7,915 times and the unsuitable accommodation order was breached 7,400 times; notes the letter from the Everyone Home collective, a group of almost 40 organisations working to end homelessness, to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, and the view that being able to exercise rights in full must be a key measure of Scotland’s rights-based approach and the next phase of fixing the housing emergency; understands that members of All in for Change, with personal experience of homelessness, are clear that these rights make a difference on the ground; recognises the inclusion of what it sees as potentially world-leading prevention of homelessness duties in the Housing (Scotland) Bill; notes the calls for the Scottish Government to publicly commit to no rollback on rights in law for people who are homeless, and further notes the calls for the Scottish Government and local authorities to work together to ensure that statutory housing duties are consistently fulfilled.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Ariane Burgess, Stephanie Callaghan, James Dornan, Christine Grahame, Emma Harper, John Mason, Marie McNair, Audrey Nicoll, Emma Roddick, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance