That the Parliament congratulates the Edinburgh Interfaith Association (EIFA) on 35 years of service to Edinburgh; considers that, throughout that time, EIFA has diligently and effectively sought opportunities to cultivate and promote interfaith progress in the City of Edinburgh; believes that EIFA has been continuously recognised by other interfaith organisations throughout the world as an outstanding role model in terms of developing and delivering positively impactful interfaith programmes for the wider community; celebrates that, in 2023, over 4,000 Edinburgh primary school children benefitted from EIFA's Faith Roadshow, where different faiths share their practices and beliefs and together promote interfaith understanding and peace, highlighting the commonalities between faiths, as well as encouraging respect for differences; thanks EIFA for what it sees as the leadership that it demonstrated in the summer of 2024, when showing solidarity with the people of Southport, and condemning the actions of those who sought to spread disinformation and to stir up hatred and violence, and further thanks the board members, who are predominantly drawn from Edinburgh’s diverse faith communities, on what it considers is their ability to further the interfaith mission of the organisation.
Supported by:
Clare Adamson, Paul Sweeney, Mercedes Villalba