That the Parliament congratulates Action for Children on providing 25 years of short breaks and long-term support for young people, across East Ayrshire, who have complex learning difficulties, physical disabilities or other complex health care needs; believes that, for over a quarter of a century, Lisalanna and its caring staff have given the opportunity for children and young people to have fun, gain independence, learn, develop and participate in the wide range of community activities that East Ayrshire has to offer, allowing families to take a break from caring responsibilities, safe and secure in the knowledge that their loved ones will be well cared for by the staff at Lisalanna; understands that Lisalanna has calculated that, over the last 25 years, it has been able to provide almost 60,000 nights of care, support and love to young people; recognises that many of the service staff have dedicated their working lives to the young people and families of Lisalanna; believes that this mirrors the statement in The Promise, that "the purpose of the workforce must be to be caring above anything else", and that "That starts with recruiting people with the right ethos and qualities"; understands that Action for Children does all it can to ensure that it has staff with the right ethos and qualities, and wishes the Action for Children staff, who, it believes, have provided an amazing 25 years of dedicated support, care and love to local families, continued success in the future.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Maggie Chapman, Sharon Dowey, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Emma Harper, Bill Kidd, Fulton MacGregor, Rona Mackay, Stuart McMillan, Audrey Nicoll, Emma Roddick, Colin Smyth, Paul Sweeney, Sue Webber, Brian Whittle